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(1 edit)

But the other bot is just 2 "repeat forever" and I change the order of the repeat when I want.

Well, the image that you added is the same as the one you put here a week ago, so that doesn't give any more information.  I was hoping that the image you were going to add would show what was below the commands "Repeat until hear work" and "Move to 162,104".  Maybe what is below is just the end of the loop for the "Repeat until hear work" command.  If so, that would mean that this bot will just move to that spot once and then stay there forever waiting until it hears "work" which doesn't happen until you change the other bot to shout "work", which is what I think you meant when you said you had to either "START & STOP" or "change the order of the repeat" to fix it.

If you still are having this problem, I suggest that you try my first suggestion and have two bots shouting "Stop" and "Go" individually and then have the bot that adds the planks to the nearest blueprint do so as shown below.