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Here's an update on my game. In this video the npc enters the monsters home looking for treasure. The AI selects the closest next room to search. Once it's been there it doesn't consider it worth entering again and looks for the next closest unvisited room. When it finds the treasure it steals it and heads out. The skulls above it's head are scare points. You need to scare it to avoid losing your treasure. More to come. Youtube -> WIP NPC Actions 1

Deleted 2 years ago
(1 edit)

The concept of this sound really fun and the gameplay looks promising already; looking forward to seeing more!

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@Mauro I'll get you a playable demo hopefully by Saturday night my time. Where are you? I'm in West Australia so I think we are ahead of everyone in time. Will it help it I put a mute in there? I'm not sold on the sounds I'm putting in there - they are placeholder for you to do something better :D

Deleted 2 years ago

Oh nice!!!