Lol now this was random and a lot of fun!!
My first run I got some useless attack that goes like 2 feet away from you and stops... I don't think I made it past round 2. Then I tried again and got some massive 8 way attack that I just kept spamming that and collecting everything! Eventually I guess I got so strong that attacks weren't even hurting me but I could one or two shot everything, so that was pretty neat. I stopped at about wave 25 since I was already uber powerful.
Probably my only minor annoyance is I don't think I like the debuffs (I believe that's what the grey icons were?) or at least not so many of them. Makes me feel worse when I grab one.
Overall though fantastic addition to the jam and so far one of the top 5 games I've played out of 30 or so! Great work on this!!
Edit: Oh also about the theme, it makes complete sense to me. I think when Mark announced the theme he didn't literally mean that DICE has to be physically in the game. It seems like 90% of games took that literally but oh well lol, nothing wrong with those games just funny how it looks with 5000 games with dice in the title.