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Diamond Miner] Maybe I'll be Zombie
[Grandayy] I'm Already Zombie
[Diamond Miner] What about Vindicator?
[Grandayy] I'm already Vindicator
[Diamond Miner] I'll be Creeper
[Grandayy] Nerf Creeper!
[Diamond Miner] You're right. So, Chicken
[Grandayy] I wanna be Chicken
[Diamond Miner] I guess I'll be Mooshroom
[Grandayy] I'm already Mooshroom
[Diamond Miner] Then I'll be Donkey
[Grandayy] I already chose Donkey
[Diamond Miner] I have an idea
[Grandayy] What's your idea?
[Diamond Miner] You should be.. You should've picked Note Block
[Grandayy] I'm not gonna be any kind of block
[Diamond Miner] We ended up loosing all our diamonds
[Grandayy] Mining is what I live for

(1 edit)

on such a cute and amazing game, too,,, ive wondered why you decided to comment this for a long time