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(2 edits) (+2)

What an innovation on a classic! TicTacToe is finally playable!

What I like: 

  • It takes a classic and adds a lot of complexity, replayability and strategy. 
  • It uses dice other than a d6, which makes my dice goblin heart happy.
  • It has quite good graphics compared to other entries.

What I did not like:

  • There's uncertainty about whether I click the die or the field first.
  • There's no highlight / marking on the selected die.

Ideas for improvement:

  • Put the actual die face-up on the board instead of a number.
  • Have the camera closer to the board.
  • Have the dice be in an unordered little pile from which to choose. More verisimilitude and the player learns to recognise the shape of different dice.
  • Animations would have been nice.

This game definitely gets full marks simply for its innovation. Unless you stole the idea... ? Well, hopefully not!

Unluckily for you, I'll probably never play this game again and just use my own math rocks instead!

Thanks for participating. I hope we'll see you next jam!