Track 1: I love the marimba tremolo here... while it is very mellow, it does give the track some energy. Beautiful development of the melody with the other lines and instruments!
Track 2: really cool harp glissando-- I'm a sucker for a good harp glissando.
Track 3: there's a great juxtaposition of the low, ominous drums and the sometimes cheerful harmony here-- creates a rather complex emotion, perhaps one of a cheerful father with false promises, and the actual fear of the abused mother and child.
Track 4: beautiful-- the harp and vibraphone combination is serene.
Track 5: This is an awesome tone shift-- love the more intense drums here.
Track 6: I love the diversity of this track-- sometimes intense, sometimes more mellow.
In all, this is a solidly composed soundtrack, and it's never too repetitive. I only wish you shared more about each track, so I could know more about the story! Still, good job, and keep writing!