bless wave, very kind words!
this is some very interesting feedback, although i do think it does come down to a bit of a difference in philosophy. while i could've done an infinitely better job of teaching the player and giving them a better environment to come to grips with the mechanics, i dont think i'd change the core design too much.
i enjoy that the dice is something you have to be more considerate about, and not a basic ability you always have in the vein of something like cappy. you never have to worry about cappy, he's always conveniently ready for you, but the dice here is something you have to put more consideration into how you handle it.
that said, there is still more of an intended way to play, and the low mobility when holding the dice feeds into that. holding the dice is the safest state you can be in, so if you had more mobility you'd just hold onto it all the time.
i hope i'm not sounding like i'm blowing you off or anything though, i do appreciate this feedback and who knows, i might feel differently next week or after seeing some more people play it, haha. I'm already thinking about other ways to take "platforming with an object" and most of them have it something youre much more free to use- but for this game in particular, i like being a bit more of a bother, i suppose lol.