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Thats some kick ass art
I feel like sfx and a bit more of recation of the game to players actions would help a lot.
But the art still is so damn good. I am an artist of this team and I truly how good it is. I see some mistakes but they are nothing comared to the time limit.
And how did you even managed to make a game with such art in 2 days?? I always go for something simple and stylish.
Gonna try to do smthing similar next jam.
Thanks for the inspiration :)

(2 edits) (+2)

Thank you so much!! We definitely tried our best haha. I could even say I was a little ambitious with some of the renders, but the point was to challenge myself so I appreciate the positive feedback  :)

The jam really taught me to just go with the flow, erase less, and just make whatever I wanted to make, and let whatever happens happen. Less mental friction the better

artist squaddddd