Main Menu - Love the opening sound here. Very tranquil.
The Story Of The Lost - I really like the percussion in this one. Ambience and percussions complement eachother very naturally.
The Path Of The Dark Forest - Here I'm picturing our source image. Very nice. Love the use of Foley here. I like how I hear echos of the main menu theme. Really like the addition of the steel drum sounds and the little fluttering synth details.
The Forest Of Tall Trees - Nice tune. I see now what you mean by keeping groups of three tracks coherent. It's very nice how coherent they are. I can imagine that working well in a game. I would've appreciated a tiny bit more variation in the melody of this particular track. But maybe it was intended for a short part of the stage, I don't know.
The Protector Of The Forest - Guitars, cool. Seems like the pace is definitely increasing now.
The Clock Tower - Oh I like the addition of the clock, and I really like how you hardpanned the clock ticks. Very nice touch. The bells are also a nice touch.
The Gears Of The Tower - I feel like we're almost sinking into the clock somehow.
The Keeper Of The Clocks - Hahaha. Is the keeper insane? :D Cool tune! I really like all the drum fills. It's a great track, but I feel like the drums could've been a tad punchier here. Maybe it would've added a tiny bit of extra energy. Then again, it is a video game so maybe ignore that suggestion! Great track.
The Factory - I really like this one. The chord progression feels fresh and the mechanical sounds are great.
The Decommissioned Lab - Spooky. I like it. It feels like there's a mysterious element that's gonna lead up to something.
The Supreme Android - Cool tune! Sounds like we're up against a boss now!
The Soft Lullaby - Ending credits? A very nice send-off for the player to sit back, relax and watch the credits roll.
Overall, very impressive soundtrack. Especially considering the timeline. Also props for the cohesion between the tracks belonging to the same stage.
My favourite is probably "The Path Of The Dark Forest". I just really like how those steel-drum-esque sounds interact with the other sounds in your soundscape.
Excellent work man!