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(1 edit)

I keep getting an error that's making it impossible to continue on. Happens right after the end of the general choices when the Narrator says, "But... how to decide?" As the full traceback is... long. I've edited it down to the bottom entries only. Let me know if you require more. Here's what it says.

An exception has occurred. While running game code: NameError: name 'thair2f' is not defined

Full traceback:

File "C:\Users\Lidia\Desktop\Ellaria Cotton & Cream\renpy\display\", line 1199, in condition_switch_pick

if renpy.python.py_eval_bytecode(code):

File "C:\Users\Lidia\Desktop\Ellaria Cotton & Cream\renpy\", line 1601, in py_eval_bytecode

return eval(bytecode, globals, locals)

File "<none>", line 1, in <module>

NameError: name 'thair2f' is not defined

Ah, I'm so sorry for the error!
We've had a few others tell us about the same thing, and we're trying to fix it but we aren't sure what's wrong. We're unable to reproduce the error, but once we figure it out we'll post the updated version right away!

Thank you for letting us know, I hope other routes will work for you.
- Averxy

The bug has (hopefully) been fixed, and the game updated!

Redownloaded it and tried again but it's still doing it. Should I try to delete all the files everywhere and then download it again? o_O I'll try doing that when it isn't so late. XD;

Well I did get around to flat out deleting every file for the game and downloading it completely new. It doesn't seem to have fixed my problem, just changed it. Now instead of getting the error, right after the Narrator says, "But... how to decide?" I click, see Cream laugh, and then it instantly sends me back to the title menu.

I'm sorry, I totally missed this comment. I'll have to keep working on this, because I kept getting this issue, but in the last update when I played through it worked fine for me ; ; I'm sorry about this, I'll go through it again and see if I can pin down what the problem is.