An interesting twist in the gameplay on the rolling dice puizzle games that are popping up a .,lot, this is the first game I've seen to ninclude falling platforms as well as rotrating platforms. Though it would be interesting to have sliding platforms or something similar. Though, nto needed.
One thing I will say though is the puzzle design is a little weird. m In that after the first bit of every puzzle, or at least most. It felt like it as mostly just a straight walk to the finish. Not sure if that was just me. But the first one took a decent amount of time and then the second kinda just felt like victory lap on a lot of them.
Which to be fair, isn't terrible, it just sort of makes it feel a little dragged out in terms of playing multiple levels since you're having to walk to the end still. That and it ends up making the level feel a little easier than I think it really was, since it ends of so simple lot of the time.
Besides that though it was an interesting setup ingame, I feel like a bit more of ingame tutorials and such would be helpful, but most of the mechanics were relatively self explanator. Especially when seeing a small snippet of the video on the page, which showed a few of them off.