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Thanks for your submission!

The good:

  • You made a game that works! Congratulations!
  • An FPS is always a nice sight, you don't get them that often in jams.
  • The dice theme is well-established.

The bad:

  • Why am I fighting cacti and why are they moving?
  • I'm not forced to engage with the randomiser cubes if I don't want to.
  • The projectiles don't originate from the centre of the screen as we're used to from other standard FPS.
  • The labyrinth I'm in makes it a bit difficult to tell where I'm going and where I'm supposed to be going.

I'd say it's a solid effort that could use some sort of context or backstory. If you display the difference between weapons more clearly to the player, the randomness will feel more impactful. 

An idea would be to have the cacti just stand around and go full on the speed-angle. Like The Gauntlet from Titanfall 2. It makes sense for cacti not to move and this way it's more speed-runnable. Randomise the weapon once at the start of the gauntlet and then let the player play for the thirty seconds it would take them to complete the game. Do the same thing as TF2 and have the map loop back on itself, so reruns can be done quickly.

All in all it's a workable game that's engaging and has potential. Thanks for participating, I hope we'll see you next year as well, and good luck!

Thank you for such detailed feedback, it's always appreciated with some well thought out constructive criticism. Can't wait for next year!