The use of modes from bright to dark is an extremely creative idea!
Strong use of Lydian, especially when it can be one of the trickier ones to work with. The use of E Lydian and 3/4 really reminds me of one of my own submissions (similar melody!). Amethyst Forest is my favorite track here.
Love the classic pirate-like use of Dorian here. Accordion is always a fresh touch to hear!
Starry Cave really does give the cave feel, and love the sweet melodies over those classic Aeolian progressions.
Love the Locrian use, its not often you see a track sitting on Locrian for so long! Very tough and evil sounding.
And then a powerful and yet mellow ending track back in major! A satisfying conclusion.
An amazing OST that takes advantage of all the different sounds the major scale modes grant!