Thank you for the further information. :)
But since I forgot to assign the functions to the game over buttons,
Haha, those things happen! XD And when it does, just laugh it off. ;)
And yes, the game logic is a bit cliche but I came up with the idea just before sleeping and started coding in the morning so I didn't really spend a lot of time on that.
Very interesting: I think the strategy you opt for as to the core idea is paramount for this kind of game jam! I am not experienced at all, but I notice that by taking a lot of painstaking brainstorming initial time, I managed to have an idea which is original (at least so I hope, not seen a lot of the games!! But I get a sense of what is out there through browsing). Time investment is important, both for the beginning… and the end, as it cost me several precious hours of development time, which were felt! X) For the record, I only stabilised my ideas and set course on Saturday 16/07/2022 at 11.07 am (in France, where the starting point was Friday 15/07/2022 at 7 pm). And even worse, I had another delay hesitating immensely between two frameworks for technical reasons (one has a problem for producing navigator versions and might require more heavylifting to produce the skeleton, the other has more messy handling of tilesets and uses OOP which I find spaghetti-like compared to ECS).
In the end, it paid off. I think you cannot build on unsound foundations.
I hope you will also take a look at some of my other games! :-)
Duly noted! :) (And I mean that literally, you got some lines in my huge messy file. XD) But for now, I still have a huge amount of testing-reviewing to do… :S So, see you later! ;)