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Honestly, the gameplay and overall setup is a bit confusing for me.

I mean having to place cards on top of ballerina and then getting 3 arrows, 2 of which are used for shooting and 1 for taking back the card doesn't make a lot of sense.

Also, shooting cards sometimes missed the dice even though they were the same color, and it hit dice of a different color. I guess that could be also random or should I say a roll of a dice, but it's not random in a good way, it's just frustrating, at least for me.

Although, I like the presentation aspect of it, sound effects and music. Concept seems like it has potential, it just wasn't very intuitive for me.


Hi Alienplay,  thank you for checking out my game and leaving some feedback. If shooting cards sometimes missed the dice is because the rules changes over time in each level and you can see the current rule in the upper ribbon of each level. I agree with you in fact that it's not that intuitive, sadly I ran out of time to make a proper introduction to the mechanics and just was able to put all the rules in a list.