I tested some rounds, but unfortunately, the game is made way harder for me a I have an AZERTY-layout keyboard while the keys were programmed statically as being QWERTY… ._. This happens in a lot of games (not all, though!), but either speed is not of the essence, of the arrow keys are also enabled; this game is one of the rare cases where I really run into trouble.
Still, I can get a sense of how things roll; I think it can work as a funny way to let off steam, when you are in the mood for some undue trigger-pressing. ;) On the other hand, I am more sceptical as to how long such complete randomisation can work out. If you take The Binding of Isaac, for example, even though a lot of the game is random, you still get a notion of levels and progression in the game.
Of course, the big difference is that What’s Next? is a short game jam game, so it all depends on how you decide to extend it. But the principle ‘everything is random’ sounds difficult to adapt to a longer game.
I like the pixel art visuals, smooth animation, and upbeat music combined, they give a dynamic impression, which matches the gameplay style. :) Maybe some background could have given it even more life, although I guess the colour choice would have been complicated to have everything visible. Twist(?): you could have made a procedurally generated random background!
As for how the game relates to the theme… well, one common interpretation was to think ‘randomness’, which a lot of people did, and they seem to often have added a random element inside a more classic larger picture; you took the idea to the extreme and just put everything random. XD So, I would say you took a common approach, but to an uncommon degree. That’s where you have some originality.
My conclusion: I would describe the game in its current state as a funny experimental minigame. I often wonder about the future of games, and in this case, I tend to see it as inextensible under the same premiss.
It is good that you tried the ‘all-random’ option, this is a fine way to see what this results in concretely. :)