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The game is absolutely beautiful, and you clearly spent a lot of time on all the little details. I personally would not have understood most of the mechanics if it wasn't for all the comments here, so I'm glad I looked through them first!

The enemies seem pretty punishing, so at first I tried to approach it at more of a careful pace. However, it seems like the controls may have been designed for a controller in mind first, so the default attack is small and downward if you're not moving. I'm also not sure if the rolling of the die affected movement or if it was just the animation, but I found it a bit hard to position myself where I wanted relative to the enemies/obstacles. I personally felt like the game would be even more fun if you removed the die mechanic entirely and just made it about positioning and combat -- I'd definitely play it! :)


 "the default attack is small and downward if you're not moving." That is a big mistake, and I fixed it in a later version.

Glad to know you like it.