Title: This theme fits the silly game idea you describe wonderfully. The harmonic progression you use takes some unexpected turns in the way that a game like this (that kind of reminds me of Earthbound games) thrives on. I like the fusion of acoustic and electronic instruments a lot. I think your selective use of sound effects adds a lot to the sound and feeling of the track as well.
The Forest: This theme gives me the feeling of mystery and magic. I love the swells that fade in and out. I also think that the use of chiptune percussion is a very stylistic choice that creates a subdued rhythm, but that still drives the piece forward. I would totally explore this gameboy-esque forest!
Consulting the Baby: This is a funny little track, not only because of the idea of a baby teaching you about the forest outside your house, but also because you chose to use a low synth bass as the “voice” of the baby. I had a good laugh at that!
Overall: You created a very complete product for the scope of the kind of game you intended to create. I like that you didn’t take your ideas so seriously because they ended up turning out sounding really great. I would totally play this game because the music and the story make sense together and it creates an immersive experience. Good work and thank you for sharing!