This game was fun to play through the intense battles. The concept of changing moves by rolling isn't anything new but the way it was incorporated was amazing. I really enjoyed the packs and flocks of enemies waving toward me while I am rolling the fight off the hoards.
I do want to give back a bit of criticism though.
First of all, I get finalising pixel art in a short span is difficult in a sense (I cant do it lol), but even just a second frame that is slightly different would have made the game feel a whole lot more alive. Try Taking inspiration from idle animations in Baba Is You. The second thing doesn't ruin gameplay but you can just roll a 2, stand still and hit the incoming enemies, as the spinning ones do not really come towards you (from what I could see).
Sorry about this short review, as I usually do longer ones. Either way, you were able to make a really fun experience for me and others, despite the slight lack of polish contained. I really hope you enjoyed the game jam. ^-^