I found a typo you can correct later if you want: "Huh? It's not really like Botan to approach me directy...?" should be "directly".
1. Hard to answer because I like them all! Maybe Takano? I'm interested in learning about how he and the MC may have similar but very different problems.
2. PC, but I can also give it a go on Android if you want feedback on how it plays on a tablet.
3. This isn't quite what you asked, I liked how I first saw what the MC is like during her date with Nitori and then seeing the vision -- like someone else commented, she's really unlikable in the date but then later there was the OH, she's supposed to be Like That, it's part of the point. I thought that was good storytelling!
4. Absolutely!! I hope this gets turned into a full game, I really liked it!