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Did a complete pacifist playthrough. I love the (literal) developer art, found it funny that the comment didn't have collision. 

In the end I'm not sure the random level mechanic adds too much, I did get to three different levels at first, but then I had to replay levels which feels less fun. 

It might have been cool if there was more to find in the levels than the dice that would help you progress.  Sturdier brooms perhaps? Or some way to get a different experience in repeated levels.

Some bug-related notes:

  • The code level was a bit frustrating the first few times because you can't see where you will drop to. So if you're unlucky with the timing you drop onto an enemy. Or if you don't know the level you drop into the void. :)
  • In the "future" level there's this "inside" part where you can jump upwards. However, you seem to bump your head into the ceiling trying to jump up there, so you end up jumping really low. It might be that the collider is a bit taller than the actual sprite. Coyote time could have helped here, too. For jams it can be nice to base your player controller on an existing platformer controller that has these nice features (and this is very much allowed!). Gives you more time to focus on the jam-related elements and polish :)