Even though you could not implement it, I like the concept you describe in the game page. :) It could have potential. Could you please elaborate on how you thought the system would work? I will take this into account for the ‘Creativity’ criterion, to be fair.
Is there any way to get through the door at the moment?
Also: you are surely aware, but just in case: pressing the space bar multiple times in a row allows the player to fly. I guess you intended to prevent this from happening — but who knows, Roland the Die has a jetpack, after all. ;)
You did go up to the ‘I uploaded my project in time’ phase, that’s already something. Plus, you had a real idea. If this can comfort you, in the last two game jams I took part in before this one, for different reasons, I sent my projects/games as late submissions right at the end of the voting phase, so I got two non-ranked projects. XD (Although I was happy with them in themselves.) It does not mean you will not succeed another time; it helped me in managing my time a bit better (although still imperfectly) for this one, so maybe you will also better yourself out of this. :)