Thanks for the positive feedback Rolim. My game isn't very polished due to time constraints, but I am glad you liked core mechanics.
It was exactly what I was going for: by having input (rather than output) randomness and then by having the game state constantly changing I hoped to force the Player to make interesting decisions and trade-offs rather than relying on RNG or some optimal strategy. For example:
- Do I select an ATK node now even though my highest roll is 3 and that stops me using a 6 on that node later?
- Do I upgrade ATK or DEF knowing my enemy is building up there DEF?
- Do I upgrade this Node now, for a less impactful boost, but it opens up a better Node for next round?
- Do I save my Three of a Kind and forgo a boost now in the hope to execute a FullHouse or Four/Five of a Kind Action later?
The skill tree isn't as impactful or balanced as I was planning - but that's the 48 hour limit for you. There was even a Shield resource that I implemented that provided temporary Defense but then able to be traded for a big attack (e.g. Shield Slam), but it is almost impossible to use with the current skill tree.
Thanks again for your feedback and good luck with the Jam - I liked your game a lot as well.