just a few minor bugs I can across recently:
the sunder attack skill perk ability thingy that makes attacks destroy more armour say "MISSINGSTR" instead. Not sure if only a visual bug cuz I haven't tested it yet.
Also, a few times I couldn't open up the thingy on the right in the middle which lets you see in combat how you can win and lose against the opponent but that bug fixed itself quickly, somehow.
If player manages to get topped by centaur quickly enough as she is withdrawing back into the distance the lewd scene will also be a smaller image slapped on top of the normal big one
sometimes when I buy a lot of stuff from gadgeteer merchant quickly, all of them except a chastity cage disappear from my inventory.
sometimes, rarely, the enemy/NPC that is at a location is different than what the tooltip of location says on the map.
there was more but I can't remember them atm