Just played through the game, some remarks ensue.
- The keyboard controls are QWERTY, but you could make them layout-independent. (I have an AZERTY!)
- The idea is super creative. :)
- The camera movement is a bit slow, especially when the dice are sparsed.
- You should make it clear that even if the die number would make a die go beyond, it will in fact be stapled at the end. I got to a point where I was near the end, with a 3, and I thought any move would make a die fall! :o XD
Fun fact: I made a screen capture right before by coincidence, and the value was 3 right before the pseudo-stuck situation and also right after it; this is a montage where the ‘upper’ red row comes from the ‘after’ step. X) - Some moves feel a bit too random, especially in hard mode with only two dice (that’s how I lost one of them, actually: there had exactly the same progression and I could not see far enough). This may be an intended aspect of the game, nonetheless. ;)
Very innovative and pleasant (and easy on the eye), well done! :)
Double epilogue:
- Succeeded to save all dice in ‘Normal’ mode at my second attempt! :D And I had started randomly for the first one because I had then not totally understood how to proceed, so that does not count. ;p
- Managed to save one die (the other fell not far from the end, on a pure 50/50 chance) in hard mode on my very first attempt, going rather fast! :) (Since I am trying to test and review games way faster now, I am too slow. XD)
PS: the clickable buttons from the interface were very slow to respond; I am not aware if this is caused by the software itself or my computer. I have noticed that Unreal Engine games tend to run slower on it, so, there may be a connection.