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(5 edits) (+3)

My Orlando Theory"
Ok so major spoilers ahead. This is a theory. DO NOT READ IF YOU HAVEN'T PLAYED YET!!! PLEASE!

major edit: I'm ashamed to say I am wrong.

You out? Ok.
I've been thinking of who's that secret killer. It overall probably makes sense. I think it's Orlando. (If Oswin WAS right and definitive that there's one killer among them). To be fair, I still don't think any of them is a killer. But if I were to suspect one, well... the person RELATED to the problem is obviously the easy pick.

Some evidence I've found involves a lot with Dean and his ex. Orlando is friends with Dean's ex, even obtaining a recipe from him that he used in Dean and Dave's date... Wait, whaaaat? That's a bit suspicious, don't you think so? I get that Orlando self-entitles himself as a "goach" but do you think he already despised Dean from the start since he's a bear? He knew that a BEAR was the one that broke his friend's heart, so of course provoking some sort of past trauma from Dean can derail this date that he planned for Dave. And you can say "But Orlando just knew when Dean was acting off about the pie!", well he could've faked it to get a genuine response.

(This is a bit far'fetched but I'll include it eitherway) Even IN the Dean route, Dean gets poisoned after a meal. The password gave it away by saying Dean just needed to wash his hands... but who's to say Orlando didn't poison Dean's plate? 

"But WhatAmI, Orlando dies in Day 7! His father's goons shot him while he was recovering in the hospital!" Yeah. This is where things get spicier. I THINK the whole trip is a TEST for Orlando. You'd think Memphis (his dad) would want Orlando to run the family business. This is one of the conflicts in Orlando's route. We find out that Orlando can never achieve his dream of baking since his dad wants him to continue the family "banking" legacy. So seeing Orlando fail, (i.e. gets hospitalized during a gun conflict, cries over a friend getting shot) Memphis deems this behavior unfit for his business and might as well take him out as well. He LITERALLY values Sal more (afait). 

It's a weird detail too, but Orlando is literally the only one with the least gruesome death in the First Password of each route. He's literally just sleeping there on the concrete floor. While literally everyone else gets ass-blasted with blood, but the other one is pretty... chill. I think the creator's are just hinting at the fact that Orlando is the odd one out.

EDIT: Some other follow-ups that I've forgotten to mention

In the Orlando Route, when Orlando and Dave were talking about Orlando's "Sacrifice" Password, he was semi-trying to convince Dave that he saw Dean chuckling at the site of Dave's body hanging on a meathook. Saying that the bear in his vision was wearing flannel and shit. Further proving his hatred to Dean.

Orlando may have a change of heart in his own route, probably. Citing that he'd wanna run away with Dave.

I'm just finishing Day 22 of F and I'm FURIOUS!!! I'm making another theory. And it regards a certain... suidae.

There are more details in the replies lol

So yeah, I think it's a hot take of mine. Feel free to debunk me lmao.


Hypothetically, if this is a test, then how do you resolve the conclusion of Dean's bad end insofar as what happened to Orlando? I would assume getting away with it would've been considered a pass.

(2 edits) (+1)


Wasn't Orlando put in the slammer for a short period in time due to him being sussed? (My memory is foggy, but I'm for certain that he'd been watched for a while by the police). Not only did Orlando get in trouble by getting the blue men involved which Memphis already dislikes, the murder was almost not in Memphis' interest. I probably didn't make this idea of a "test" clearer.

I'd think this test Memphis tasked Orlando is to try and desensitize him to the point of seeing corpses don't startle him no more, doing the deed and KILLING someone, but overall, doing all of that without getting caught in any way.  (Poisoning the food was a bad move since he's mostly the one cooking)

This is probably why I think Memphis just sent Orlando away in Bad Dean Ending to work at a bakery. Just so he can distance him. Memphis could've easily gunned Orlando down but, as a semi-pass for his test, he grants him a chance at life.

Plus it's also suspicious to me that Orlando is the only one ALSO messing with the vault, other than Dave. No one else toggles with it. Literally just him. For all I know, I think he's the one that narced on Jack/Anyone else when we revealed Oswin. That's probably how Oswin died. Orlando was the one that leaked the info. 

I even think that Orlando is faking his "Password". He's saying that he saw Dave hanging in a meathook in a rundown place. Not only is he trying to make Dave believe he's protecting him, HOL' UP! Where is the other RUN DOWN place we saw throughout the game? THE MILL. And who do we meet there? Jack! 

Just more proof that Orlando may be a baddie
(Also hi Grizz!)





True. Orlando is a sweet cinnamon bun. I love all of them equally. But sometimes, you have to experience heartbreak :,D

We still can't be sure though. Orlando's just the sussiest out of the 6.

Omg you're like, so right though

Everybody suspects Hoss or Roswell, but Orlando honestly has so much red flags, I really don't wanna believe its him but at the same time... qwqqqq


OK I can understand Hoss. He's been in the manor before... he's not well-known to Dave. He indirectly knew where Oswin was. BUT why Roswell. He's dying, why would he spend his last moments screwing his friends over.