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Man, this game is actually genius! Realizing that I'm collecting sfx's gave me real pleasure! And also I really loved discovering that I not only can go left-right in game screens, but also upwards and downwards) One good thing about gamedesign is that I really wanted to discover what sfx I'm gonna discover next. It drove me to play further.

5 starts, loved it.


Thank you for the kind words, I'm glad you enjoyed it so much! I was really happy with the overall concept behind the game flow, although I do wish I had left more time in the game jam to actually focus on a coherent level design. I did my best to try and prompt exporation through the placement of SFX and change in the level within the very first area - it worked well enough I think for what it was, but most of the later content was just the best I could do with the time I had left. I will at some point get around to properly working on and finishing a more long-form version of this jam game, but that's for the future! 

Anyway, I appreciate the comment, have a happy holiday!