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The sound-design works really well! It's satisfying to hear, and creates a nice ambient soundtrack.

Some aspect of the puzzle are pretty well designed. Notably I like the fact that you can see on which face the dice will land at the end of a movement. It allows to predict a bit what the possibilities will be. Unfortunately, that doesn't prevent some level to feel too complex. While I was able to reach the end, most of the solutions were found by cheer luck, there wasn't many "ha-ha" moment or solution that seemed elegant. Sometime the level-design can be a bit misleading, with element that actually are not part of the solution, but just here to add more complexity to the level.

That being said, the game is still enjoyable. Each level felt distinct from one another, and are short enough to allow to reach the end of the game without frustration. Overall it provides a soothing experience. Good job!