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i don't believe this it's very confusing what's going on i really need to know what happens and i can't believe those two guys try to get information by having sex i didn't know what's going on with them i need more information about hope there's more of this soon i really want to know what happened and also to sam i hope he can find a way to tell his son that he's beginning to like guys already without

Oh yeah! The story is filling with many weird things happening! Let's see what happens in the future! Hope you liked this update!

i really enjoy the update but it's really confusing and mixed feelings right now i really don't know it's going to be happy sad worried or even terrifying....i don't know what's going to happen is it going to be a good ending bad ending or even sam is already found someone he loves and he doesn't know he's just there watching from afar and i wished the children will know that he is becoming to like guys i just wished he could tell them the truth right now