Hi, sorry to bother you, just wondering if you could please explain or even upload the camera code? I'm attempting a similar camera style for a visual novel and the severe lack of online documentation is rough. Anything helps, cheers!
I know this is late and you probably have found a solution that works for you, but if not here is only the relevant part of the camera movement which is contained in the player script:
var viewport : Viewport var viewport_center : Vector2 var target_direction : Vector2 onready var camera := get_node("Offset/Camera") func _ready(): viewport = get_viewport() viewport_center = viewport.get_visible_rect().size/2 func _process(delta): # get direction from center of the screen to current mouse position var direction = viewport.get_mouse_position() - viewport_center # remap value range to 0-1 direction = direction/viewport.get_visible_rect().size.x # lerp to add delay and bounds to camera movement target_direction = lerp(target_direction, Vector2(direction.x, clamp(direction.y, -1, 0)), delta*10) # movement inversions transfrom in local space camera.transform.origin.x = target_direction.x camera.transform.origin.y = -target_direction.y
You basically take the center point of the screen and lerp the camera position to current mouse position with a clamp that defines your bounds. The relative camera position must be at (0,0,0) for it to work.
Hope that helps,