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Aside from the somewhat janky movement system and only being able to move forward this is phenomenal. A fnia FREE ROAM porn game? This is the stuff of people dreams. Not only that but to be honest i would not be able to tell that youre a beginner. A quick few suggestions though would be to change the location of the charger considering its right in the middle of animatronic territory, fix only being able to move forward, and a little update to the movement and boom. I know alot of people say this on alot of games but good god my man this has some unprecedented potential. 11/10 game


Thank you very much! Ill try to fix the movement system in future, sadly not in the upcoming update. Yet, Im glad that people enjoy my game even if Im not really experienced at coding & such!


No problem man. And take your time. I know working on a game, especially alone, takes more than a little time. 

P.s. Forgot to mention the animation. Not only is it awesome but the crawling animation just tickles my fancy considering something like that is few and far between.