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(2 edits)

I solved my issue with the 0.3.5 Mac version not opening. This is the solution that I followed and it worked. Open Terminal and launch these line of code in this order. 

  1. When decompressing the .zip, the application contents didn't retain the execute bits. Add it back with sudo chmod -R 755/path/to/app
  2. Since the application was downloaded by a web browser (in my case) the quarantine bits are set on the decompressed files. Remove that with sudo xattr -dr

There is probably something wrong with the file since I tried to download it multiple times and with multiple browsers. Maybe something went corrupted while uploading it on itch or while compressing it. I suggest the author to reupload the file on the website.

Deleted 2 years ago

hi, mine says "impossible to open the app", and i think the only problem here is the .rar format.. because i can run the 0.2.0 and 0.3.0