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Theres a reoccuring bug in fins route regarding his clothes; when he wears a white suite to confess to the MC he will wear the outfit ever scene from then on until a complete wardrobe change is done on the charcter which took quite a while (2-4 in game weeks). Same thing whenever you see him fully undressed, he will go on the rest of the game naked which make some scenes a bit odd lol, but events such as the festival fix it back to normal. In addition to this if Fin wears the yukata in foreplay mode and it is taken off, his whole dong just dissapears- (Also quick question is there a glitch in his route regarding marrying finn? Im asking since I did all the quests for the priests and have gotten Finn to full with no new scenes appearing, and yes I have chacked in with grizz for the rings but there is no option to buy them :/) Overall the game is great though! I only noticed 1-2 speling errors in the beginning and the game is fantastic, keep up the outstanding work :>

Ooh yeah, those are all bugs indeed... I forgot to trigger marriage prompt event for Finn. Will fix soon-ish!

Fix is up! 😊