Hi, I know I'm into the developers team for this game, but I were on vacation and tried it now.
Like someone said in the comments, I love the concept of the game but the gameplay mechanics are too raw and repetitive: you always have to color only the same bridge and there's few color combination. Also, the difficulty of the levels doesn't increase at all and keep playing it could be tiring. Furthermore the envirorment is always the same.
Another thing for the game: I would add an option panel to adjust the resolution because my laptop screen have a standard resolution (1920x1080) with a non-standard size (it's like "cropped" a little on the bottom because...I don't know, maybe design. But I need to set a 1920x1080 with "window without borders" instead of "fullscreen" on other games like "Assassin's Creed Syndicate") and the game is cropped at the button (I barely see the arrows to play the dialogue).
I know this comment is strict and says negative things for 95% of the time, but I think this is the most effective way to improve our game and our abilities. I really appreciate the hard work the team have (and will) done, expecially because for most of them is the first time doing an entire videogame from zero.