I had a quick first test yesterday. Here are my impressions.
1. I like the new doll, the artwork is greatly improved to the old version. Seems like also MutantPrawn gets better :-) However, what I did not really like is the perspective, because the lower part (pants/skirt) is only partly visible and the shoes aren't visible at all. As other views are in planning, this is ok. What I also disliked is the "Switch" button. I think you should first earn the underwear view, maybe temporary remove the shirt when an officer checks the bra.
2. Cargo bay writing is pretty good :-)
3. Couldn't go that far, but I think it is a useful additional check.
4. I don't really need this info (anymore), but might be useful for noob players.
5. The harassment frequency felt good on my run. However, I cannot really judge it yet, because I played with the "friendly" bonus, so I preferred missions from friendly officers. With this, I never had problems with morale, it was quite stable during the whole game. This means also that I only got a few obligations and the harassment chances did not change very much. I have to play another game with other bonuses before I really can tell whether the harassment chances are good now.
6. I did not really realize this, maybe I wasn't deep enough into the game.
7. Same
8. Same
9. From the money curve I had in the old version when playing on medium, I can confirm that this is managable on medium and feels ok as medium difficulty. However, on hard it now feels similar as your first version, I could only make it until day 120. I think the problem is that the differences between the difficulties are too big. I would suggest to bring them closer together, either by giving all difficulties the same week length, and/or by having less differences in the mission probabilities (maybe 70/80/90?). The mission probabilities make a huge difference, because you have a higher probability to get a mission from your favorite officer, and you have a higher probability to get a mission to your favorite starport. Both effects result in getting more money and faster unlocking the higher ranks.
Looking forward for your next updates :-)