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probably going to be my longest game review because this is just me ranting/fandoming alone jeez

Bob. Oh my god this game was absolutely a jewel to play ashdhhh

Firstly, the game. I had a lot of fun playing this! The characters had deep rooted personalities and the humor moments (yes I mean Belmont in the kitchen) always brought out a laugh. Also I noticed that there were a lot of sprites in this game. There were a lot of different postures and animations for the characters to express different emotions, which I deeply appreciate. It made the game more fun. Also the CGs are absolute beauties I still swoon over them Overall, to me it seems that you really enjoyed making this.

*slight spoilers ahead*

I first went for the "Let's cook together"route but now "I'm cooking" is my favorite route cause who can give up on an opportunity to see Belmont being the sweetest husband boyfriend and Pogo and Samsid kissing

*slight complaint ahead*

I've unlocked all achievements except for "perfect after-party" and is replaying the game for the thirtieth time now just for that.. send help pls ;-;

*questions about this game and talking about DOTU overall*

so, Bob, if you were trying to promote DOTU through this game, you have succeeded- I was so mesmerized with the characters (yes mostly Merritt and Belmont's relationship) that I began reading DOTU a few days ago and it's so good!! The background, story, pacing, drawings, wording and personalities?? I can't say anything bad about it.

I, sadly, cannot be a part of Patreon since I'm only a student, so I'm only feasting on the free comic parts (which ends at Chapter 4, p 88). So I was wondering whether you are planning on releasing more pages in public or not, and how many chapters you have planned. Will the comic be partially publicly released as the comic advances? 

And about this game- You did mention that it was based on an AU- a future AU, something like a possible scenario set somewhere after the comic ended? Cause as someone who played this game first I was expecting some Belmont and Merritt moments and imagine my surprise when.. Merritt is actually a East Sphere solider atm.. and these two have more of a hate-hate relationship than I expected.. I just need a clarification whether I'm getting stuff right here.

And the fact that Merritt was the King in the game seems to be.. foreshadowing something... perhaps? 👀👀

anyway, that was everything XD sorry for rambling too much (its 3am here and i got a bit overboard i admit) good luck on everything and I hope we'll get more content about the good-looking blondie who is high-ranking-people-in-northern/eastern-sphere-sexual and his Queen of 3Bs


Aww, thank you so much for the in-depth reply, and I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed the game! You're right, I had a ton of fun making it. :)  A few answers to your questions:

(I'm putting the After-Party achievement hint at the end - spoiler warning)

1. Yes, we will have more public DOTU pages!  I just finished chapter 4, and chapter 5 is starting in the next few months. The NSFW scenes will stay patrons-only, but I will eventually release most or all of the SFW parts publicly.

2. About the novel and comic and how they fit with CWB - I actually have a devlog post coming soon about this, but I'm out of town for a few days... Here's some info to start, though:

Devoted: Merritt's Story (novel series) takes place first, and it's the story that focuses on Merritt and Belmont's relationship. (Be prepared for some high angst and heavy stuff...) All the things Merritt says at the beginning of CWB about his and Belmont's cat-and-mouse game, getting caught in the end, the evil king, etc. IS Devoted: Merritt's Story.  This is the one to read if you're looking for Merritt/Belmont. Unfortunately, it's a patrons-only story, but if you can ever swing it, it's just $2 for the 300,000 words that are already written, and folks can cancel any time.  Books 1 and 2 are finished; book 3 is coming.  The end of book 3 lines up with the start of Demon of the Underground, where Merritt becomes an East Sphere soldier.

Demon of the Underground (webcomic) takes place after Devoted and is *mostly* Pogo's journey. We get some background on Merritt, but since Belmont has only just been introduced in the comic, we don't have context about why he and Merritt aren't on good terms.  It will eventually come out in the comic, but Devoted spells it out more clearly. DOTU is only about 1/3 complete, so there's a lot of story left to go!

Cooking with Belmont (game) is what I refer to as an AU or theoretical future for Merritt and Belmont, since Devoted and DOTU aren't finished yet, so we don't know what the future holds. :) I won't give spoilers, but I will say that this theoretical future is absolutely a possibility for the gang.

3. Perfect After-Party hint: SPOILER ALERT

This is the most challenging achievement! It's in the Cook Together route, and you have to achieve "Perfect Dinner Party" in the same play-through to trigger "Perfect After-Party." Some of the choices affect the way the food is prepared and some are more relationship-oriented. The relationship-oriented ones affect the "Perfect After-Party" achievement. Bigger hint: remember that Merritt and Belmont have an enemies-to-lovers relationship, and it's okay to give Belmont a hard time. ;)

Watch for a line in the cooking scenes where Belmont smiles and refers to "...later tonight" - then you know you got the after-party choices right.

Ooh, thanks for clarifying the storyline! I can't wait till I'm old enough to use patreon I NEED to know more about Merritt and Belmont's relationship agggg XD currently devouring the first eight chapters I have access to and they are beautiful.

Also, thanks for the tip it helped a LOT! I almost gave up but thanks to you I got all achievements and they were so worth it.

Good luck on your future projects Bob!


Ah, I'm so glad it helped!  And congrats on getting all the achievements! \o/  And thanks for reading what's available of my other projects, I hope you keep enjoying them! <3