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I liked your story, if I missed the first little bit of it, it could easily have been about a science camp for kids, and enjoying the last bits of free-time before parents come to pick them up. it may give a little more heartwarming, and a little less bleak, but thats all in what you are going for.

I suppose you picked your colors to be sunset related, and I found the contrast was not high enough to read the letters, and the pink was generally irritating on the eyes.  I would recommend darker text, and a less saturated pink. 


I like that interpretation- It is very much about enjoying life, even if you don’t have much time left. It’s definitely intended to be a very optimistic interpretation of the end of the world.

You’re quite right about the colors- In hindsight, it is a pretty grating color scheme. I’ve actually reworked the colors completely because you pointed it out; it should be a lot less harsh on the eyes, and hopefully not too hard to read.

Thanks a lot for the feedback!