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The idea behind this one was fun! I think that there could have been a little more to the gameplay itself, but it was enjoyable.

The gameplay was simple, which made it easy to pick up. I appreciate the dead-simple controls and instructions. Once I got about half-way through, though, I started to get bored. I think if there was a little more variation in the gameplay, I would have been more inclined to continue with multiple play sessions. For example, maybe reaching a certain combo gives you some power up to fight the waves of enemies. And having a difficulty that increases and decreases could be interesting to explore too.

The game felt familiar to where I knew what I was doing, but not in a way that it felt like a clone of another game. This feels like a good balance between innovation and familiarity.

The take on the theme was a pretty basic one, and I think that adding an extra element to it like mentioned before could help improve on that.

The graphics and audio are where the game really shined! I think that the main character looks excellent, and wish that the enemies and background/level had a little more of that sparkle. The music is fitting with the story behind the game, which is nice. Some additional audio / fx could help polish the experience a little more.

I enjoy the humor that comes from the story, and especially the opening screen! It makes a great first impression. I think it would be beneficial to add more of this into the actual game, through dialogue spoken by the player or some other means.

Nice job! This was a cool one.