1.2 Build: Looking forward to more update, some things were buggy but it is workable and still in the first build. I gotten to all the 12 scene that is shown to the right.
-Confusing at first when learning controls (still messing up Menu and First-person-view(I'll shorten to FPV). I noticed that when mobile controls shows up and u can use the mouse to press/drag. When using FPV, I couldn't tell if i was crouched or not, would be nice if there was a change in the height of the camera, or a symbol indicating what position we are, otherwise would just keep changing view from FPV and overview. Looking from the overview, I could see that we are crouched. You can leave the apartment, and there is a map overview with a few other locations
-Couldn't really do anything with the sister, don't know if u can get inside her room. There is a puzzle to be able to enter Lia's room in the morning.
- Scenes - If u reach a certain passion requirement, the bonus scenes/dialogues get added. There is a message that tells you if you have reached the end of the available scenes.
- Bug - I noticed sometimes during erotic scenes, when the scene changes, it would show a mili-second of the last erotic scene that you had done before. Another bug was that when at the far left of the pool, I could see a small model of the sister laying down outside of the map.