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Thank you, that's much appreciated! I've got more cooking, slowly but surely, and can't wait til you can see it!

"Overnight, the circus comes to town. But something’s wrong … very wrong.

The circus music, which should be cheerful, seems menacing. The attractions (especially the freak display) seem off, the cotton candy is a sickly shade of green, the knife thrower doesn’t miss and the clowns …well, the less said about the clowns the better."

I've been working on a mashup of ...

Don’t Rest Your Head/Don’t Lose Your Mind, Nobilis, Glitch, Little Fears, City of Mist, Clockwork Domain, Crimes Against Men and Gods, Crossroads Carnival, Domains, Dreaming Cities, Dresden Files, Into The Odd / Electric Bastionland, Enter The Forest/Enter The Palace, Extracausal, Fairy Meat, Folkloric, Grimm, GURPS Steampunk/Screampunk/Time Travel/Warehouse 23/Faerie/Metro of Madness, Headspace, In Dark Alleys, In Nomine Satanis/Magna Veritas, Katabasis, Kidworld, KULT, La Compagnie des Glaces, Monsters and Other Childish Things, Nephilim, Over The Edge, Part-Time Gods, Puppetland, Reaching In The Dark, Relics, Savage Worlds Codex Infernus/Contagion/Crystal Heart/Enascentia/Fae Nightmares/Imago Mortis/Mutant Chronicles/Savage Tales of Horror/Streets of Bedlam, Schauermaerchen, Shattered Dreams, Shelter, SLURPS, Solipsist, Summerland, Terribly Beautiful, The Echoes of Heaven, The Nightmares Underneath, The Strange, The Swing (except Time is a stretched out Slinky instead), The Thing That Lives In Your House (Knows All of Your Secrets), The Zantabulous Zorcerer of Zo, Threadbare, Through The Breach/Meat Market, Troika!, Twisted Rails, We Are Champion and World of Darkness/Chronicles of Darkness Orpheus/Umbra/Wraith/Geist/Fae/Gypsies/Midnight Circus/Possessed/Time of Judgement/Changeling/Deamon/Deviant/Promethean/Hunter/Dark Eras/Hurt Locker/Asylum/Immortals/Inferno/Innocents/Midnight Roads/Mysterious Places/Proverbial Monsters/Second Sight/Skinchangers/The Godmachine Chronicles (NO f*cking elves/dwarfs/hobbits/orcs/dragons/werewolves/vampires/any of that sh*t though!), Broken Rooms, Born From Hate and … if I can wrap my head around it (and it doesn’t turn out to be a joke) … possibly … Jenna Moran’s game WTF

... taking whatever elements of each lend themselves to a Barker/Gaiman-esque tale that would, I think, in the right hands, deliver to fans of gaming the kind of punch in the gut that killed Houdini — I’ll give people dark fantasy alright (they’ll be traumatised for Life! ¹)

And Disparateum is central to it: it's the only place the Awake can get any sleep without falling prey to the Nightmares of Mad City. That is right, isn't it ... the Dreaming is safe, right? It's not a place where the Nightmares catch you unawares, whilst you slumber on, blissfully deluded that you aren't in grave danger here, right? ... Right? ... You didn't make the long, arduous and dangerous journey from the Warrens, via the Underground at Electric Bastionland, by way of London Below, then brave the Cityback, emerging into Katabasis, risking your very soul in search of a way in to the Named City, for nothing, surely? The Dreaming can't be Closetland in disguise, surely to God! And you can't be an eight-year-old tapped in the body of a fully grown adult, with no idea how you got here or what to do with it, because your secret Mythos is hidden from you ... you don't even realise you are a Rift (you aren't that awake you're just one of the Awake, asleep in the Named City ... and the Mist is coming to claim you)!) and you, therefore, have no idea of your power (the only thing that can save you now).

Disparateum is key to what I'm building as a .... 'campaign' isn't the word;  it's more of a long (at least a year IRL), (hopefully devastatingly traumatic) experience — so, keep up the good work (I'll be back with  the  financial support ASAP.


¹ Can you guess why it has a working title of No Happy Endings ? 😉

I would LOVE to play this!!! Hell I would just love to watch/read/whatever this!!! Damn. I wish you all the nightmares and dreamscapes you can image. 



It's had to go on the backburner for now, unfortunately - Life's what happens to you when you're making other plans and all that.

But, it's given me some time to investigate other things - notably: A-State, Between Dreams, Daddy Issues, Deliria,  Dreampunk, Dungeons & Dayjobs, Everywhen, Ex Machina, Insylum, Invisible Sun, Itras By, JAGS Wonderland, Juggalo RPG, King of Nothing, Lacuna, Liminal, Lords of Gossamer and Shadow, Midnight, Mirror Mirror, Narcosa, Never Tell Me The Odds, New Gods of Mankind, Nightbane, Postcards From Avalidad, Ptolus, Reaching In The Dark, Scion, Sins, The Machine King, The Yellow King, Toypocalypse, Underworld, Unknown Armies, Urban Faerie+Chav, Urban Jungle and Vaesen.

Not everything will make the grade, but there's enough amongst them to have given me some ideas for the underlying rationale and plot development as well as some new mechanics - when I have time to focus on things again, there's a highly significant twist to the tale that has managed to consolidate the most significant thread to it all (think Clive Barker if he weren't such a cheerful soul ; ) [1]


[1] The idea is that it should be to Barker what the original UK series Misfits is to the superhero genre - twisted. So, it will be not just dark but very ... very ... wrong - Cf. the difference between Gibson's vision of the world of Neuromancer and the brutality of Jack Womack's Ambient/Dryco series (only in an urban fantasy setting).