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while i totally understand the decision to recast, i gotta give major props to glass shards. it's fucking hard to alter how others gender your voice, so i recognize the effort she put in.

i get people's hang-ups about her voice as this role, as she's (probably) not gone through male puberty, and for a male character that tends to raise flags for a lot of people. i'd initially been surprised at the way bo's voice sounded as well, but i'd kinda assumed that he was intended to be trans/voiced by a trans va, since he obviously wasn't intended to be a child. 

(it was a little weird to go to her twt and see "she/her" in her bio, since if that really was the intention, y'all could've just cast a trans va, but ultimately i thought she'd done quite well and wasn't all that mad at it)

can't wait to see where glass shards crops up next, and i'm excited to hear bo's new voice!