Really impressed with this demo and definitely following this project! The art is absolutely gorgeous. I love how the backgrounds really look suffused with rain, and the character designs are so crisp and lovely, and evocative of manwha style art. Both boys appeal to me, though I slightly prefer Mr. King of Gummies.
I also love the look of the UI, almost like a pathfinder, and how the weather and date display in the top. (Since the characters have different weather preferences, does that come into play...?)
Finally, the choices were really refreshing! I'm not usually one for choices purely for flavor, but I thought it was cool how much of an impact a choice could have. I played around with the different options for the first choice re: April zoning out on the recruiter, and found it hilarious how that choice continued to impact her other encounters. And I also played around with helping Hen first versus returning and thought it was interesting to see how much his behavior towards April changed, which totally makes sense.