Hey HexMozart,
I played your game on stream. The stream archive is below. You can use the chapters to skip to when I play your game.
I'm not going to lie, this game is really, really rough. It feels incredibly unpolished and unfinished. It's difficult to parse dialogue, there is not enough information provided to the player about what objects do, nor the difference between "combat die" and "non-combat die", and annoyingly cancelling your action selection during combat still counts as a move, which can prematurely end your turn which feels like the game bullies you about your mistake by asking if you want to end your turn even despite being unable to take any more actions.
I'm guessing, based on the differences between the uploaded screenshots and the the game I played that the demo is an early version (which is the version I played). I think this is a really poor decision to make the demo an unfinished, old version of your game because this is how new customers may test your game, and I can promise you that demo will lose you many potential sales. If you are going to provide a demo, it should be the best representation of your game, not the worst.