Great game, albeit short, it was still enjoyable and fun to play. I did wish to see some more scenes with Gallant and Beastr, in particular something that was a kinda "bad end" and something of a "good end" so to speak with regards to them fighting/battling each other. As I felt that encounter was a bit too brief for my liking. I also might be a bit biased since I love the dynamic between the two, and can totally see them working off each other in some great and intense scenes together. However, with that being said I did throughly enjoy myself and had fun while playing this game. As well as wish you the best in whatever future endeavors you may have for this game as well as all your other projects you're working on or thinking of doing.
All that to say, keep up the great work. Despite my very few personal critiques, I think this game is great, fun, as well as has great potential to be more and bigger than it is already. That is if you decide to pursue it in that direction of course. Keep up that fantastic work.