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managed to get it working. pretty fun game once i realised what fish I was meant to avoid. Nice work ^^

thanks, this is my first game I made for a game jam, and good to know you found it fun. next time I make a game for a game jam I'll turn it into executable to make it easier for everyone to play, I hadn't turned it before because I didn't know, now that I know I'm going to turn every game I make into an executable. sorry for english mistakes, english is not my native language and i'm using google translator

all good mate. Was my 1st game jam too! I would recommend pyinstaller using the one file option

I have used this before and it was great. you can also set a custon icon with another flag and a properly made ico. feel free to message me on the discord if you wanna figure it all out. and your english is perfect dw

after posting this game i made a converted version into executable using cx_freeze

Nice one 😁