Just like with the last game "Beware the Shadowcatcher" I shall spend multiple hours experimenting and testing as much as I can
Btw I love the style of the characters, at first I was like "wow that's new" but now I've learned to absolutely love the design
And I can't wait for more games
Btw Zed with every game you make I can assure you I shall spend many hours experimenting and testing whatever I can
I kinda feel like a video game tester that doesn't get paid but if I'm being honest your games are like the only games I get really excited for, and I wouldn't want to get paid by you instead I'd pay you lmao
Anyway im not sure if you have one or not but I have not donated to your patron or anything which if I'm being honest feels like a sin so hopefully in the near future I can support you and your future projects
You are easily 1 of my top 10 favorite game developers I can't wait for more games
Alright I've been saying too much I have to get experimenting and ive been experimenting on "The bit more know zero" and I have found many interesting things I'll comment about on that game page so I'll update you guys on what I find if anything