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I think the game is quite interesting. I'm really interested on what the Dream World and 'Death area' has to offer, since they both seem so ominous.  That aside, I wish there was an option to turn off certain parts of the game for a more comfortable experience, like the 'No rape' option there is already implemented. I certainly wasn't ready for a face full of dog cock when I was exploring that prison XD


Glad you're liking it so far, still got a long ways to go but glad peeps are enjoying it. Need to work on the death and dream realms due to there being nothing in them atm but got some pretty good ideas for them in the future. Also yee, i need to start adding preferences into the settings so ferals, rape, certain extreme fetishes and stuff can be toggled on and off. Anywho glad you like the concept of it, hope you like how it develops, :D