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(1 edit) (+1)

Pretty fun to play and a very impressive demo, although I will admit I'm not a huge fan of Harvest Moon games. The inventory system is good, and I appreciate the little touches like being able to immediately go outside from your room or any point in the inn. Also the corresponding folding/unfolding wall animations.

I think your world needs more color though, I don't like the gray-white of the inn and the rocks. The grass and water are what the rest of the world should look like.

It's also fun to feed customers spiders and rats

Thanks for the feedback!

(1 edit) (+1)

I agree with you on the colors

the game feels too grayish. not only the gray-white colors from the inn and rocks you mentioned, but all the colors from the environment itself

the characters colors are fine, but everything else (water, grass, inside building objects, the buldings itself) feels too desaturated. a game with that cute paper art style should be probably more colourful.

but be careful with that: too much saturation is a bad thing too if not done right (specially on simplistic styles, which is your game's case)

anyway, the game itself feels very pacific/calm and fun, which is great for these sort of games
give it a comfy soundtrack and you are set for good
looks very promising