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Neat and ambitious project for the time-span but it has a few things I feel need working out.

- Moving platforms don't always affect player velocity, causing you to slide of. It seems to happen whenever you walk from one moving platform to another
- In its current state, wall-jumping is really janky and feels more like it was a bug that was turned into a feature than an intentional design choice
- Jumping feels super floaty, which makes the more intricate platforming sections a nightmare
- The spinning platform does absolutely dreadful things to the player
- Whenever you run out of time the game seems to send you back to the start of the previous level, is this a design feature? If it is, it feels a little harsh.
- The hitbox for collecting children seems finicky

Beyond that its technically impressive for the time-span. Only real suggestion I got if some kind of pointer or something to help you find the next child. 

Good work c: