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Your game is REALLY good ! I love the way you darkened the environment around the character : now it looks a little bit like an horror game and it adds a difficulty, I like it ! The music is really cool too :)


Congrats for your game you did a really really good work ;)

(Maybe you could rate mine ?)

Ty so much for your comment, my only regret is that I could't work fulltime on the game so I had to let out a lot of pretty cool mechanics that i have made, maybe once the gdevelop game jam ends I might rework the game and order things up creating a proper dialog,inventory,shop         ( and so on) system. If u have any idea or any advice u could give me, i'll be glad to hear them all. My main issue is that after a while I loose the motivation to keep going. However I might continue this time and maybe who knows , I might create a series 🧐🧐🧐

Anw ty for ur comment and I'll def give it a look at yours too  😁  😁  😁